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Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe eternity vine ring is a very popular ring for weddings and engagements. The ring is carved with a vine motif that symbolizes the hope of love that will be inter..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Double Floral Ring showcases the beautiful and classic Chrome Heartsfloral motif.Put the ring on and feel a silver flower wrap around your finger, glistening as..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Dagger Ringrepresents one of Chrome Hearts' most classic motifs.ThisDaggerRing is wrapped in such savoryandelaborate intricacyunique to the old world,carryinga ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESA Chrome Hearts ring that embodies the American hard rock style of Chrome Hearts, the dagger heart ring. This ring shows a dagger piercing a heart, a motif that sym..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESWhenyou wear a Chrome HeartsCrosstail,it were as if afragment of a meteor fell to your fingertips.The design that combines only some of the classic cross motifs mak..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.PRODUCT INCLUDESChrome Hearts Original Genuine Leather PouchOriginal Chrome Garden BoxOriginal Chrome GardenSilver Wipe stripAllChrome Hearts silver rings are brand new and made ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Cross Crown Ring is a creative expression of the central Chrome Hearts motif, the cross.Founder of Chrome Hearts, Richard Stark, used to play in a graveyard nea..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe cross band ring showcases the classic cross motif of Chrome Hearts with a slight twist. The crosses run along the ring instead of being perpendicular to it. Thi..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe classic oval star ring is a ring with maximum presence. It is a bold and brazen statement piece that gives off one hell of a first impression. The ring is chara..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Classic Oval Ring looks and feels princely. Heavy yet substantial,masculine yetbeautiful, powerful yet tasteful.Feel the weight wrap around your fingeras you be..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThis is a ring thatlets you live inthemoment. Light your cigarette, take a few puffs, wearthis ring on your index finger and spin it effortlessly with your thumb - ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThis is a ring thatlets you live inthemoment. Light your cigarette, take a few puffs, wearthis ring on your index finger and spin it effortlessly with your thumb - ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe PlusSignet ring has a definite allure that is unmatched among other sterling silver rings.It's simplicity, combined with the three-dimensionality of it's slight..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESA luxuriously designed ring, the plus pyramid open band ring shows small pyramid-shaped Chrome Hearts pluses lined up side by side.Although each of the pyramids is ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe plus pentagon ring is part of the pentagon series from Chrome Hearts. The pentagon rings are all pentagonal in shape on the outer layer while retaining a circul..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThis Chrome Hearts plus band ring is a perfect example of a minimalist design Chrome Hearts ring. This ring features a rounded edge and evenly spaced Chrome Hearts ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Chrome Hearts Cemetery Ring has a steely, heavyweight, and unrivaledpresence. It is a ring that gives off an air of aristocracy, especially if paired with other..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESFeel the weight wrap around your finger, and illuminate the room with thisexquisitelydesigned, sterling silver Butterfly Floral Cross ring. This timeless piece will..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe Butterfly Cross Cocktail Ring is one of the mostlavish and extravagantrings by Chrome Hearts. It is a bold statement piece that tells peopleyou set and live by ..
Please choose your size carefully. Our products run out of stock quickly and the size you want may NOT be available later.EDITOR'S NOTESThe BSFleur Spinner Ring is a playfulChrome Hearts ringwhere the center of the ring rotates. It is one of the most unique ring designs ever made.Because it uses the..